More About Jim

Jim helping our friend's son Quinten climb the rock wall
     I love my husband Jim!  He is caring and compassionate and one of the most generous people I know.    He is thoughtful in so many ways and is truly my best friend.  I can't imagine my life without him.  Jim loves his job as a prison chaplain.  He has a flexible schedule and has saved up several weeks of vacation time for when our little one arrives!   

Jim sharing his Calvin and Hobbes book with niece, Eryn

Jim will be an awesome dad.  He is a big kid and always ready to jump in and play!   I can picture him giving endless “horsey” rides to our child.  It melts my heart to see him snuggled up with our nieces to read or chasing our friend's toddlers around the park.  He is creative and artistic and will have so much to pass on to our child.  I can’t wait to see him side by side with our little one creating masterpieces for our fridge!